Ing. Prof. Julius Kwame Borkloe
Head of Department
Staff Grade
Associate Professor
Centre for Competency-Based Training & Development
Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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PhD Geological Resources and Geological Engineering, Yangtze China
MSc. (Structural Engineering & Construction Tech.), Moscow, Russia

  1. Nyantakyi E.K., Li Tao, Hu Wangshui, Borkloe J.K., Li Songze, M. Cheng Han (2015) Structural and stratigraphic characteristics on distal parts of the outer fold and thrust belts, Southern Niger Delta, Nigeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (SCI Journal)
  2. Nyantakyi E.K., Li Tao, Hu Wangshui, Borkloe J.K (2015) Depositional model for mud-diapir controlled intra-slope basins, deepwater Niger delta, Nigeria. ActaGeodaeticaetGeophysica, Hungary (SCI Journal)
  3. Nyantakyi E.K., Li Tao, Hu Wangshui, Borkloe J.K (2015) Geochemical Characterization of Hydrocarbon Generation Potential for Agbada Formation, Benin City Area, Niger Delta, Nigeria. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering (EI Journal)
  4. Borkloe J.K., Pan Renfang, JinJineng, Nyantakyi E.K.,MengJianghui (2015) Evaluation of Shale Gas Potential of Cambrian Formation in WEI-201 well area in Sichuan Basin, China. SCI Journal
  5. Owusu P.A., Nyantakyi E.K.,& Borkloe J.K (2015) Strength Evaluation of Phyllite aggregate as concrete material. International Journal of Engineering Science and Management.
  6. Owusu P.A., Nyantakyi E.K.,& Borkloe J.K (2015) Effects of land use change on hydrologic models: A case study of urban basin, Accra. International Journal of Engineering Science and Management.
  7. Nyantakyi E.K.,HuWangshui, Nagre R.D., Borkloe J.K., Li Songze (2015) Geochemical Characterization of Crude Oils from Well ‘X’, Agbada formation, Onshore Nigeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (SCI Journal).
  8. Borkloe J.K., Nyantakyi E.K., Li Tao, Hu Wangshui, Borkloe J.K., Li Songze, M. Cheng Han, (2014). Structural and stratigraphic characteristics on distal parts of the outer fold and thrust belts, Southern Niger Delta, Nigeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (SCI Journal).DOI: 10.1007/s12517-0141727-x,
  9. Borkloe J.K.,Nyantakyi E.K., Li Tao, Hu Wangshui, (2014). The Role of Geomechanical-Based Structural Restoration in Reservoir Analysis of Deepwater Niger Delta, Nigeria. ActaGeodetica and Geophysica, Hungary (EI Journal). DOI: 10.1007/s40328-014-0072-6, Volume 49, Issue 4, pp 415-429,
  10. Borkloe J.K., Nyantakyi E.K., Li Tao, Hu Wangshui, Nagre R.D., (2014). Erratum to: Prognostication of Hydrocarbon Generative Potential in the onshore and offshore Niger Delta, Nigeria Using TOC content and Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Techniques. (EI Journal) Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, DOI: 10.1007/s11631-014-0694-y,Volume 33, Issue 3, p 324, 
  11. Borkloe J.K., Nyantakyi E.K., Li Tao, Hu Wangshui,  Nagre R.D., (2014). Prognostication of Hydrocarbon Generative Potential in the onshore and offshore Niger Delta, Nigeria Using TOC content and Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Techniques. (EI Journal) Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, DOI: 10.1007/ s11631-014-0669-z, Volume 33, Issue 2, pp 138-144, •
  12. Borkloe J.K., Bansah S., Nyantakyi E.K.,Awuni L.A., Gong Qin (2014). Geochemical Characterization of Potential Source Rock of the Central (Saltpond) Basin, Ghana. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Engineering 2014; 2(2): 19-27, doi: 10.11648/j.ogce.20140202.12, www.
  13. Borkloe J.K., Nyantakyi E.K., Hu Wangshui,  Nagre R.D,  Frimpong I.K., (2014). Geochemical Investigation of Potential Source Rocks for Agbada Formation, Osioka South Area, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria. Geosciences 2014, 4(1):13-22 DOI: 10.5923/j.geo.20140401.02.