Ing. Prof Osei-wusu Achaw
Former Vice-Chancellor
Staff Grade
Associate Professor

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ING. Professor Osei-Wusu Achaw was born on 14th December, 1962 at Ankaase (lake side) in Bosome-Freho District in the Ashanti region. He is married with three children. Prof. Osei-Wusu had his Ordinary and Advanced levels General Certificate of Education at Toase Secondary School in the Ashanti region in 1979 and Sunyani Secondary School in the Brong Ahafo region in 1981 respectively.
He holds a certificate in BSc. Chemical Engineering from the Technical University of Budapest in 1987. He followed this up and earned a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at Technical University of Budapest in Budapest, Hungary in the year 1989. He then earned a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Engineering at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Kumasi, Ghana, in 2005.

  • PhD (Chemical Engineering), 2005, KNUST, Ghana
  • MSc (Chemical Engineering), 1989, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
  • BSc (Chemical Engineering), 1987, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary

Member of Ghana Institute of Engineers Member of Association of Ghana Industries Member of Empretec.

  • Activated carbon manufacture and use
  • Microbial synthesis of ethanol
  • Safety and Waste treatment in the petroleum refinery industry
  • Modelling Biomass Combustion

Currently teaches the following courses in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Polytechnic;

  • Chemical Product Design 
  • Introduction to Chemical Engineering 
  • Mass and Energy Balances 
  • Petroleum Waste & Treatment Technologies.

1. Osei-Wusu Achaw, Mike Agbesi Acheampong, Martin Yaw Wood (2014). Implications of Shifting Operation Conditions on the Economics of Biomass Fueled Boiler. First International Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology, Kumasi Polytechnic, Kumasi, Ghana, November, 2014.

2. Achaw, O-W., Afrane, G., Afriyie, J. K. (2012). Manufacture and study of Coconut Shell-Based Activated Carbons in an Electrically-Heated Double-Walled Furnace. Sunyani Polytechnic Lecture Series VII, Sunyani, November, 2012.

3. Achaw, O-W., Afriyie, J. K. (2012). Influence of Operating Parameters on the Stack Gas Temperature of a Biomass fuelled boiler. 5th Annual Applied Research Conference of Koforidua Polytechnic, Koforidua, June, 2012.

4. Afriyie, J. K., Achaw, O-W. (2012). Field Drying of Cassava in a Solar Pent Dryer Equipped with a Solar Chimney. 5th Annual Applied Research Conferences of Koforidua Polytechnic, Koforidua, June, 2012.

5. Achaw, O-W., Boateng, E.D. (2012). Waste Management Practices in the Oil, Gas and Related Energy Industries in Ghana. 2nd All Polytechnics Research Conference, Tamale, February, 2012.

6. Achaw, O-W., Danso-Boateng, E. (2011). Safety Practices in the Oil, Gas and related 4th Annual Applied Research Conferences of Koforidua Polytechnic, June, 2011.

7. Achaw, O-W. (2010). A Survey of the Chemical Industries in Ghana, Sunyani Polytechnic Lecture Series VI, Sunyani, November, 2010.

8. Achaw, O-W. (2009). Energy Audit of Juaben Oils Mills Plant. 1st Research Conference of the Polytechnics in Ghana, Dodowa, November, 2009.

9. Achaw, O-W., Afrane, G. (2003). The Effect of Inherent Mineral Elements in Coconut Shells on the Properties of Coconut Shell-Based Activated Carbons. 3rd  Annual Reasearch Conference of the School of Engineering-KNUST, Busua Beach, August, 2003.

10. Achaw, O-W., Afrane, G. (2000). Adsorption of Air Pollutants onto Packed Beds:Modelling andSsimulation Studies. Workshop on Monitoring of Air pollutants due to Combustion Processes, University of Cape Coast, October, 2000.

11. Achaw, O-W., Yi, J., Goosen, M. F. A. (1994). Affinity Separation Using Chitosam-Alginate Micorcapsules. Asian-Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference (APBioCHEC), June 13-15, 1994.

12. Achaw, O-W., Goosen, M. F. F. (1993). Chitosan-Alginate Affinity Microcapsules for the Isolation of Bovine Serum Albumin. 53rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Chemical Engineers, Ottawa, Canada, 1993.

13. Achaw, O-W., Elliot Jr., J. S., Cheung, H. M., Kanawale, K. (1992). Investigations into the Growth of Polymeric Clusters in Solution Using Quasielastic Light Scattering. AIChE Annual Conference, Miami, August, 1992.

1. Achaw, O-W., Afriyie, J. K. (2014). Effects of changes in the operating conditions on the stack gas temperature and stability of biomass fuelled boilers. Chemical Engineering Communications, DOI: 10.1080/00986445.2014.886199

2. Achaw, O-W. (2013). Selective Development of Different Pore Types in Coconut Shell-Based Activated Carbon. Adv. Porous Mater. 1, pp. 371-377

 3. Afriyie, J. K., Achaw, O-W. (2013). Field Drying of Cassava in a Solar Pent Dryer Equipped with a Solar Chimney. Proceedings of Koforidua Polytechnic 5th Annual Applied Research Conferences, 25th – 28th June 2012, Koforidua, pp. 368-388

4. Achaw, O-W., Boateng, E. D. (2013). Waste Management in the Oil, Gas and Related Energy Industries in Ghana. International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,  Volume 4, No.2 , pp. 116 - 122

5. Achaw, O-W., Boateng, E. D. (2012). Safety Practics in the Oil, Gas and Related Engery Industries in Ghana. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol.1 No. 2, pp. 456-465.

6. Achaw, O-W. (2012). Patterns of Waste Generation, Treatment and Disposal in the Chemical and Allied Industries in Ghana  International Jounal of Development and Sustainability, Vol.1 No. 2, pp. 466-475.

7. Achaw, O-W. (2012). A Study of the Porosity of Activated Carbons Using the Scanning Electron Microscope. In Scanning Electron Microscopy, Viacheslav           Kazmiruk(ed), Intech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 473-490.

8. Achaw, O-W. (2011), Energy Audit of an Oil Mills Plant in the Ashanti Region. Proceedings of the Koforidua Polytechnic 3rd Annual Applied Research Conference, Koforidua, Ghana, pp. 190 – 204.

9. Achaw, O-W., Afrane, G. (2008). The Evolution of the Pore Structure of Coconut Shells during the Preparation of Coconut Shell-Based Activated Carbons.  Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 112, p284-290.

10. Afrane, G., Achaw, O-W. (2008). The Effect of the Inherent Concentration of certain Mineral Elements in Coconut Shell on the Adsorption behaviour of Coconut-Shell based Activated Carbons. Bioresource Technology, 99, pp. 6678-6682.

11.  Achaw,O-W., George Afrane (2000). Adsorption of Air Pollutants onto Packed Beds:  Modeling and Simulation Studies. Proceedings of the Workshop on “Monitoring of Air Pollutants due to Combustion Processes”, Cape Coast, p60.

12.  Goosen, M. F. A., Achaw, O-W, Grandmaison, E (1996). Chitosan-Alginate Affinity Microcapsules for the Isolation of Bovine Serum Albumin. in Goosen, Matheus, F. A. (Ed), Aplications of Chitin and Chitosn, CRC-Taylor & Francis, p233

13.  Achaw, O-W, Goosen, M. F. A.:  Affinity Microcapsules:  Chitosan-Alginate Membrane Stability and Isolation of Bovine Serum Albumin; Polymer Preprints, 35 (1994), p75-76